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Cyprus Electronic Identity is here!

Apply today for your eID and unlock a world of convenience!

Cyprus Electronic Identity (eID)

The Electronic Identity (eID) is an official tool of the state for the identification of the citizen's data and the conduct of electronic transactions with security and legal force. In other words, it is the electronic passport of the citizen in the digital world, as is the biometric identity in the physical world.

The Electronic Identity Card has 3-years validity with the right to renewal and is valid only for Cypriot Citizens over 18 years of age who are in possession of a valid biometric identity card.

In addition, it ensures the use of a Qualified Electronic Signature for the signing of digital documents with security and legal force.

How to apply

Qualified Electronic Signatures

Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) has the same legal effect as a handwritten signature and it can be used in any situation that would typically require a written signature.

This type of certificate is issued to a Natural Person.

How to apply

Qualified Electronic Signature for Natural Person associated with Legal Person

Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) has the same legal effect as a handwritten signature and it can be used in any situation that would typically require a written signature.

This type of certificate is issued to a Natural Person associated with the Legal Person and signs on behalf of the company.

How to apply

1. Choose your LRA

  • Choose your Local Registration Authority from which you wish to request your Certificate.

2. Create your Trust Portal Account

  • Signup and create your Trust Portal Account.

3. Request your Signature Certificate

  • Login to Trust Portal and submit your request.
  • In case face to face validation is required, you have to visit your LRA.

4. Generate your certificate

  • Login to Trust Portal and choose enrol to generate your certificate.

5. Register your device

  • Download JCC Authenticator Application and register your device.

6. Start using your Certificate

  • You are now ready to start using your Signature Certificate
  • Visit JCC Signing Portal to upload and sign your personal documents.

Need more information?

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